SQL Database of my Grades from my Undergrad and Masters Program

ID (key)LocationClassGradeLevel Of Course
ID (key)LocationClassGradeLevel Of Course

    I created this SQL database locally but I could have created it via the Azure Portal and managed with SQL Management Server Studio. 

     Because the data is not sensitive it is searchable and publicly accessible.

     However, there are a myriad of different ways to secure it if it was indeed sensitive but still needed to be accessed.

SQL Experience

       I know how to interact with various platforms (Power BI, Azure, Tableau etc..) to get SQL data in and can work with SQL Sever Management in terms of data manipulation / exporting.

      SQL Server Management Studio has given me a chance to work on writing applied SQL syntax. I am learning quickly and getting better everyday.

     Basically, I know enough to SQL to be able to accurately access the files that I need and conduct the necessary manipulation to efficiently process the data (filters, joins, exporting, cleaning). 


The Azure portal is absolutely massive and powerful.

I have worked through building different kind of resources (analytics and databases) on the portal. 

I've also used to track the performance of my SQL queries.

When I built the original database I was able to get some solid insights into the costs associated with the performance.